prayer for surgery

How to get cure by making prayer for surgery – Complete detail

Praying for somebody who is sick can really affect the health of the person (for whom prayer is being made) in a positive way. Many religions give importance to the prayer for surgery along with the medical treatment.

Importance of prayer for surgery:

When you’re loved one is passing through any kind of surgical procedure then you do not rely only on the doctors you must have to pray to the lord who is the only who can give healing. There are many prayers available that can be recited before the surgical treatment of the patient.

Prayer for surgery makes a patient spiritually strong and his faith increases. While reciting a prayer for surgery you can add words for the desired outcomes. You may surrender the outcomes to God. And always thank HIM for all he has given to you. If we do not have faith in God then our prayers are a waste. So our prayers must be ardent.

Here is a prayer when your child is having a surgery:

You will keep in absolute peace him whose mind is steady, because he trusts you. Trust in the lord forever”. (Isaiah 26:3-4)

Categories of prayer for surgery:

If you are in the hospital for your surgery or for your loved ones, you have to rely on the spiritual treatment— a prayer for surgery along with the medical treatment. Prayers are not only needed to patients but to the doctors and nurses also need prayers. Following are the some prayers for surgery:

Prayer for nurses:

The nurses pray to the Lord to get strength and courage to help the patients and their families. They ask the Lord for kindness and sense to understand the needs and pains of the patients. The nurses make prayers for:

  • Patient’s continued health.
  • Patient’s recovery from disease.
  • Prayer for guidance.
  • Prayer for quick recovery of patients.

Prayer for doctors:

Doctors also need prayer while doing surgeries as they are now responsible for the life of a patient. The doctors pray to the lord for the strength and skills to save the precious life of the patient. They pray to the Lord for the skills that can be used to cure the patients as they have trust in the doctors. So the doctors pray for:

  • The guidance
  • The healing power
  • The honesty etc

Prayer for patients:

Patient is the person who needs to be healed. He is suffering from a disease. He is mentally and physically disturbed. He needs spiritual treatment as well as the medical treatment. There are prayers to be asked before surgery and after the surgery.

Before surgery:

The patients have to pray before surgery. He asks his health and the healing from the Lord.

After surgery:

Health is a blessing. After the surgery patient has to pray and thank the Lord for giving a new life and cure from the disease.

Death prayer:

If a patient dies in the surgery then his relatives must pray for his soul. It is important to get relief in the life hereafter.

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