Ramadan prayer times nyc

Ramadan Prayer Times NYC (New York City, USA)

Ramadan Prayer Times NYC (New York, USA):

We are providing ramadan prayer times NYC, USA. New York city is distributed into five borough. That includes; Queen, Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island. There is a sizable community in these boroughs and Muslims of these boroughs go regularly to offer their Fajr prayer. During the month of Ramadan total number of worshipers increase in the mosques.

 Ramadan Prayer Times in New York City:

Below we are going to share the monthly ramadan prayer timetable in New York city.

New York City, New York, USA
Angle Based Rule
Islamic Society of North America, Hanafi
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 – Thursday, June 14, 2018

No Day Suhur
Sunrise Zohar Asr Iftar
15 Tue 04:08 05:39 12:52 17:57 20:06 21:37
16 Wed 04:07 05:38 12:52 17:57 20:07 21:38
17 Thu 04:06 05:37 12:52 17:58 20:08 21:40
18 Fri 04:05 05:36 12:52 17:58 20:09 21:41
19 Sat 04:03 05:35 12:52 17:59 20:10 21:42
20 Sun 04:02 05:34 12:53 17:59 20:11 21:44
21 Mon 04:01 05:34 12:53 18:00 20:12 21:45
22 Tue 04:00 05:33 12:53 18:00 20:13 21:46
23 Wed 03:59 05:32 12:53 18:01 20:14 21:47
24 Thu 03:58 05:32 12:53 18:01 20:15 21:49
25 Fri 03:57 05:31 12:53 18:02 20:15 21:50
26 Sat 03:56 05:30 12:53 18:02 20:16 21:51
27 Sun 03:55 05:30 12:53 18:03 20:17 21:52
28 Mon 03:54 05:29 12:53 18:03 20:18 21:53
29 Tue 03:53 05:28 12:53 18:04 20:19 21:55
30 Wed 03:52 05:28 12:54 18:04 20:20 21:56
31 Thu 03:51 05:27 12:54 18:05 20:20 21:57
1 Fri 03:50 05:27 12:54 18:05 20:21 21:58
2 Sat 03:50 05:27 12:54 18:06 20:22 21:59
3 Sun 03:49 05:26 12:54 18:06 20:22 22:00
4 Mon 03:48 05:26 12:54 18:07 20:23 22:01
5 Tue 03:48 05:26 12:55 18:07 20:24 22:02
6 Wed 03:47 05:25 12:55 18:07 20:24 22:03
7 Thu 03:47 05:25 12:55 18:08 20:25 22:03
8 Fri 03:46 05:25 12:55 18:08 20:26 22:04
9 Sat 03:46 05:25 12:55 18:09 20:26 22:05
10 Sun 03:46 05:24 12:55 18:09 20:27 22:06
11 Mon 03:45 05:24 12:56 18:09 20:27 22:06
12 Tue 03:45 05:24 12:56 18:10 20:28 22:07
13 Wed 03:45 05:24 12:56 18:10 20:28 22:08
14 Thu 03:45 05:24 12:56 18:10 20:29 22:08

The biggest cultural center in this city is Islamic cultural center of New York. It was completed in 1991 and now it acts as a central mosque for the New York City. Muslims who come here to offer their fajr prayer. The temperature during Fajr time is very pleasant it is 16 degree Celsius with balmy breeze.

Fajr prayer time in NYC is just as simple as any other prayer time in the world. During this prayer, a person performs wudu which is called ablution. After performing ablution a person goes to the mosque and stands among other worshipers in the lead of Imam.

Fajr Prayer Time NYC

However, An imam is a male person who is responsible of leading the prayer in congregation. And it is obligation on every worshiper to follow the lead of and imam otherwise that person’s Fajr prayer won’t be accepted.

One more important thing in prayer is that Muslims of the New York also bring their families during this time that includes their wives, mothers, children, and fathers.

So, it’s like a carnival during prayer time in New York. Providing the ramadan prayer times  in NYC is according to Islamic center of New York.

All family members are in one mosque in congregation to offer their prayers. So lots of enthusiasm is shown not only by male worshipers but also from the female worshipers too.

Furthermore, New York is a lively city of the world. People often say it that it’s a city that never sleeps. So during Fajr time Muslim worshipers are in large number and upbeat and after their Fajr prayer they start their day work. Muslims of New York feel that by spending Fajr time in mosque their whole day will be blessed.


In the end it is a well-established fact that Fajr prayer time NYC during Ramadan is a very important time for the Muslims. As it rectifies their faith and sacrifice their sleep to be offering such an important prayer.

That is why they are accompanied by their family members because this importance transcends through generation to generation in the family.

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