prayer times Tampa Florida

Muslim Prayer Times Tampa, FL United States

Prayer Times Tampa (Florida, USA):

In this article, I will inform you about Prayer Times Tampa or Tampa Prayer Times, (FL, USA), along with Mosques and Muslim population in Tampa (Florida, United States).

Prayer Times in Tampa, FL:

[sc name=”prayer-times” longitude=”27.9832″ latitude=”-82.4618″ timezone=”-5″ ]


Calculation Method:

Standard (Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi)

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Fajr 15.0 degrees, Isha 15.0 degrees

Latitude: 27.9832

Longitude: -82.4618


Salah is the second pillar of Islam after Shahadah (Faith). Muslims are required to pray five times a day. Being a Muslim it is obligatory on us to offer Salah five times daily.

In another verse, Allah Almighty says: “And be steadfast in prayer; practice regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship).” (Quran, 2:43)

Tampa Prayer Times, FL:

In Islam, there are five prayers that are compulsory for every Muslim. The Salah play a role of reminder throughout the day to help keep believers mindful of Allah Almighty in the daily stress of work, family, and distractions of life. These are the prayers:

  • Fajr prayer times for Tampa
  • Dhuhr prayer times for Tampa
  • Asar prayer times in Tampa
  • Maghrib prayer times in Tampa
  • Isha prayer times Tampa

Mosques in Tampa (FL, USA):

As many Muslims prefer to offer their prayers in Mosques in order to get 27 times more Ajr. They go for a mosque to perform their Islamic Rituals.

  • Islamic Community Center of Tampa
  • Islamic Society of New Tampa
  • Islamic Society of Tampa Bay

Population in Tampa:

Many religions are practiced in Tampa like Roman Catholics, Jews and Protestants. Now Muslims are also growing there and becoming a society of their own.

According to  a reliable sources, population of Muslim in Tampa (FL, USA) is increase 5 times faster than any other religion in Tampa, Florida. But the actual number of Muslims not confirmed yet.

To conclude, I hope you found the information regarding Muslim prayer times for Tampa (Florida, USA). 

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