Job k liye wazifa

Powerful Wazifa for Job – Get Your Desired Job by This Amazing Wazifa

Wazifa for Job:

Are you looking for best Wazifa for Job?

Everyone wants a livelihood to live a life according to his needs. Some people opt for business, others look for a job. Many of educated persons seek for a good job, but there is so much competition these days.

As a Muslim, we believe that every problem and its solution is directed from Allah. He has written down our fate long, long ago.

But we also know that making Dua is also taught to us by our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). And making Dua in a prescribed way is a more powerful tool.

Importance Of Wazifa:

I will share some Wazaif, which are helpful in seeking jobs. But for that, one must have full believe that these wazaif will work & these wazaif should be done with complete dedication. Insha Allah, by Allah’s will, you will get a job very soon.

Wazifa 1:

To get a job in 7 days:

If you are jobless and you want to do a job, you have tried your best for seeking a job, but not getting one; here is a powerful wazifa which can be helpful for you.

Follow these steps carefully.

  • Fast (Roza) on the first Saturday of a holy month.
  • After Namaz-e-Isha, go to a vacant home’s roof.
  • All this wazifa should be done in standing position.
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak for 11 times.
  • After that, recite “Ya Wahabu” 1000 times.
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak at the end.
  • Repeat this Wazifa for next 7 days continuously.

After performing this Wazifa, on 8th day, By Allah’s will, you will get a good job.

Wazifa 2:

  • Another wazifa to get a job is,
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak.
  • Recite “Ya Basitu” 313 times.
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak at the end.
  • Continue this practice everyday, till you get a job.

Wazifa 3:

  • Pick a day which suits you. There is no prescribed day for this wazifa.
  • Make a fresh ablution.
  • Offer Isha prayer completely.
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak 11 times at the start of this Wazifa.
  • Recite the word “Ya Sami’u” for 180 times.
  • Recite the word “Ya Wasi’u” for 137 times.
  • Recite the word “Ya Razzaqq’u” for 308 times.
  • Recite Daroord-e-Pak at the end.

After completing these wird, Make dua to Allah for your employment.

You will Insha Allah get a job with just one day wazifa. If you don’t get a job, you can continue this Wazifa everyday until you get a job.

Wazifa 4:

  • Pick a time of your choice.
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak for three times.
  • Recite the word “Ya Razzaq’u” for 308 times.
  • Recite Darood-e-Pak for 3 times at the end.

wazifa for job

Wazifa 5:

These verses (128-129) are from Surah Taubah.  These verses have countless benefits. No one can calculate the amount of benefits these verses have.

job ka wazifa

Memorize these verses. You can recite them even without making ablution.

You can recite them at any time. Even you are sitting, walking, Jogging or running, you can recite them. One more thing to remember while reciting these verses is, you have to recite Darood-e-Pak at intervals.

Once you stop reciting these verses, recite Darood-e-Ibrahimi. And when you again start reciting these verses, recite Darood-e-Ibrahimi at the start again.


All these wazaif have the impact of their own. No one can deny their power. The things one should keep in mind while reciting these wazaif is: one must have faith and belief on what they are reciting.

Another thing to remain focus is the determination. And last but not the least, Everything happens by Allah’s will. If there is will of Allah, There is no power on earth that can undo what Allah has written.

Try this Job ka wazifa or wazifa for Job to get good job.

2 thoughts on “Powerful Wazifa for Job – Get Your Desired Job by This Amazing Wazifa”

  1. Assalam Alaikum,
    I am a sister residing in the NYC. Today I complete 11 years of moving to the states. I have been struggling since I moved here. I came here as a student and finished my degree from a college. But till today I feel like I failed in all the efforts that I made to succeed. I also believe that it is a part of Allah’s plan and I carry on with what I am doing to provide my family. I am only child to my parents and they always hoped from me to have a good life like every other parent. I would really appreciate if I can get any suggestion or help to overcome my trap.

    Jazakallah Khayr

    1. Sister be faithful and thankful to Allah for what you have. He planned best for you.

      Recite Surah al-Waqi’ah, chapter 56 of Quran after Maghreb Salah. You will definitely see the change. JazakAllah.

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