Best Eid Wishes SMS

Eid Wishes – One of the Most Impressive Ways of Wishing Your Near and Dear Ones

Eid Wishes:

Every Year Muslims search New Eid Wishes SMS on Internet. Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are two festivals for Muslim. Eid ul Fitr is a Muslim festival that Muslims celebrate every year after the month of Ramadan. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. The Muslims are prohibited to fast during the prescribed days of Eid. There are multiple number of ways to express Eid Wishes to your friends and family.

Top 10 Eid Wishes SMS:


On the canvas of life, we often go off color,

but as long as people like you are there

to add the right shades,

life goes on to be a rainbow!

Eid Mubarak


R U Waiting 4

My Msg?


( ‘.’ )


Shoo Shweeeeet..

Dont Worry.

How Can I

Forget U?

HERE Comes

My Wish.

Eid Mubarak



May on this EID

The Plate of your life is filled

With juicy Kababs & Tikkas topped

With Chatni of Happiness and

Covered with Salad of Love.



Can I Stay






Wait Till The End Of Ramzan




Can B

The 1st Who

Wish You


***Very Sweet***

** HaPpY EiD MuBaRak***



Earth can forget rotating,

Bird can forget flying,

Candle can forget melting,

Heart can forget beating


I’ll never forget to wish You “Happy Eid”



Wishing A Very Happy Eid Mubarak

To You And All The Muslim Brothers

Around The World

Both Here And In Far Flung Places.

The Peace And Grace Of Allah Rest

Upon Your Shoulders And

Bring You A Contended And Very Happy Eid.



Hope Love and Laugher,

warmth, wishes, joy and

a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilations,

become a part of your Eid and Your Life.

Have a Happy Eid Mubarak.



May the noor of this EID

illuminate your heart, mind, soul

and may all your prays be answered.

Remember me in your prayers.

EID MUBARAK to You and Your Family.



Have a joyous Bakra Eid

with full of sparkling lights.

A warm and heartfelt wishes to

tell you how much you mean to me.

Eid ul Adha Mubarak to you.



A Little Act Of,


Can Fill A Heart with


***Eid Mubarak to You***

New eid mubarak sms

Eid Wishes SMS 2017

Ways of Wishing:

As mentioned above, there are a number of Ways of Wishing Eid-UL-Fitr and Eid ul Adha to your friends and family. They can be done in ways as mentioned below.

l Using Wishing Cards

l Using Emails For Wishing

l Using Social Media

l Using Wallpapers

l By Sending Gifts To Each Other

With the help of these ways, we can wish Eid-UL-Fitr to our friends and family.

Using  Eid Wishing Cards:

Using Eid Wishes Cards is one of the most interesting and trending ways for wishing someone who can be reached.

Using Social Media and Emails For Eid Wishing:

These conditions are applied only when you have to wish someone who is not close to you. But sometimes Social Media is a medium for family and friends for wishing each other rather than the use of mobile phones.

Using  Eid Mubarak Wallpapers:

One of the most easiest ways to wish everyone in your contacts is through posting a wallpaper on your social media account. From this you can easily wish everyone without wasting your time.

By Sending Gifts To Each Other:

This type of way to wish other is not a simple one. It can rebuild one’s broken relation and can because of greatest friendship.


There are a number of ways to use Eid Wishes SMS for Wishing your friends and family and the way you choose to wish entirely depends on the situation and your need.

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